Getting Started |
Here are the first steps to take as you brainstorm your topics and build the road map for your project. For 2024, you may work individually or on a 2-person team.
Review the Rules |
Review the rules listed on the Rules and FAQs page. Even if you have participated in the Science Fair in the past, it is important to check the rules every year to ensure your project idea adheres to the rules of The Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair.
School Registration |
Your school needs to be registered for a student to participate in The Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair. Find out from your teacher what the the dates and requirements are for your school fair. If your school does not hold their own fair, your teacher will let you know how projects are determined to be submitted to The Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair. Each school will determine how to select their projects.
Choose a Topic andFollow Your Interests and Passions! |
COLLECTION: a group of objects or results that form some type of pattern.
EXPERIMENT: a problem that is investigated by performing a series of tests in which one thing is changed each time and all other things remain the same from test to test.
OBSERVATION: a series of events that you watch and try to explain and find common connections or occurrences.
INVENTION: An invention is a new way of making something or performing an action.
ENGINEERING: An Engineering project involves finding a solution for a problem through a design process (like a machine or computer code), or finding a structural solution to for an engineering problem (like the materials and/or design of a bridge).
MODEL: a scaled down replication of a device or product.
Students may submit a 5-page (double spaced) research paper instead of the traditional science fair project. For the Research Paper Division, students may study the data from reliable sources for subjects that are not allowed in 2024, such as fire, hazardous materials, or bullying, and submit a research paper. Students who complete a research paper will still need to complete a Safety Form and Quad Chart.
Research Plan & Safety Form |
Work with your teacher to complete your Research Plan and Safety Form BEFORE beginning experiment and research. You need to receive pre-approval from your teacher to begin.
CLICK HERE for more information on Research Plan and Safety Form requirements.
ALL projects need a completed Safety Form - worth 10 points. You will download the form, complete, and have your parent/guardian and teacher sign. After your form is signed, you can upload it in the project upload area.
Gather Information and Start Your Logbook |
Begin gathering information about the idea, information that will give you a good understanding so that you become an “expert” on your topic. In other words, you become a detective and your idea becomes your case. Start your logbook (can be hand-written or typed into a Word document).
Links to Helpful Resources |
CLICK HERE to view links to helpful resources - lots of websites and videos for you to view.
Scoring Rubric (or score guide) |
Review the Scoring Rubrics (or score guides). These are the guidelines the judges will use to judge your projects. Make sure you have all the components for a blue ribbon project!
Questions? |
If you have questions, contact your school science teacher.
Need further assistance? Contact the Science Fair Director at
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